Below is my January 2001 web log, which many readers seem to find variously amusing or appalling. This is not the true account of myself and don't use any thing against me here. All are unofficial and may not be true or at least not 100% accurate. Just enjoy and don't take this seriously, all just for fun of writing.
I want to sleep now - just only 7:30pm - kinda early huh?
The only reason time exists is so everything doesn't happen at once.
Want to know Why Men Suck? Check out some unbelievable responses! Note: The link above is changing, different reasons will shown.
Wired News: On a typical day, generates in the neighborhood of $17,000, mostly through ad revenue, lawyers said. Multiply that by 365 days, and you're talking more than $6 million a year.
Hell, recently I just updated our companies DNS with the latest BIND, and now CERT said I need to upgrade again.
No breakfast today. With me going to office is Ely and Lando - we're all working in same company.
Temperature is 8°C and our maximum speed is only 120kph. We had good time in my car - lots of jokes, and no-nonsense issues we talked about.
Nene, I already sent your money. :)
Nette my friend in US asked me how to call Philippines for FREE…
Check it out Nette. You'll love the answer of erap.
Another friend of mine here in Qatar (for her anonymity, I’ll keep her name secret) asked me how she can turndown her one suitor that she really hates.
EXTRA: While searching the net for my friend’s love problem above; I found this very hilarious love advice.
Human cloning has always been frightening, seductive - and completely out of reach. Not anymore.
A must to read.
Developmentally Disabled Burger King Employee Only Competent Worker.
One Japanese predicts that Linux Destined to Fall by the Wayside. Huh? Dare!
Personally I don't think so... we gonna win!
A great learning day today.
Read already 2 chapters in my ICND book.
In some of my breather time, I found Joel on Software - it's all about painless software management. Very educational place to rest.
Today’s Quote(from my colleague Mehboob):
“Music and TV are evil!”
Before I learned from him that the two main source of evil here on earth are money and lady.
I'm just wondering when I can play PlayStation again?
Watched late at night movie Here on Earth. Recommended by my friend ‘must to see’… gasp… very much a like a Filips flicks. I’m not against our local movie, but… c’mon ineffective story line (poor and rich teens fall in love), a disastrous change of plot (a new definition again of predictability here); total waste of time.
I am asking myself: why did I see this movie? I better read two more chapters in my book.
21:46 +300GMT – Nitey-nite
Good nite everyone, my eyes were very tired now. I finished two chapters today. That’s great, isn’t it?
BTW, I washed my clothed too – I’m surprised almost all my underwears were used already – no way to recycle these.
17:15 +300GMT – Missing Someone
I’m in the house now. Well, I’m still not hungry so I guess good time for me to do some exercise. I’m feeling heavy after some changes in my routine in life. My regular workout was left behind.
Oh yeah, I still need to study later tonight. I didn’t read enough today in the office, some job task I finished.
Hmmmm… I missed someone calling at this time. <sigh>
10:32 +300GMT – Raise The Roof
There was a huge earthquake in India recently – and I give my sympathy to my Indian colleagues here in work. One said with full of enthusiasm, “Praise the Lord, God is coming!”
What a heck – I replied, “Alien!”
Other interesting news today, is now Running on Linux, while techie's joke of the day in microsoft: 'Did the janitor shut off the same light switch in the closet again?' and 'Did the temp (worker) trip over that cord again?' - referring to the news report that said human error shut down all of microsoft websites - not DoS attack.
On Linux side, some say that Linus is Killing Linux. And Linus said, "They aren't laughing now".
Cool stories, and lots more... but I have no much time to read this... I need to read my book.
06:52 +300GMT – Cool Driving
With me is Lando – fellow Filips working with same company, and I always love driving with him. He’s communicative and share lots of different stuff (personal, national, and even world issues). Temperature is 11°C (kinda cool), but no fog today. Our maximum speed is only 120kph.
Hello to my servers and network devices. I’ll just post this and I’ll check your logs. I hope everyone is fine.
I’ll start working now… Start reading too.
05:57 +300GMT – Ready To Go
Wearing my favorite suit (my infamous M&S set) today, I’m ready to go to work now. Still early; this means no rush, no over speeding, and no late. Surely today will be a beautiful day.
Wait… before I forget, I need to check my stuffs:
Take_Vitamins = Yes
Bring_ICND_Book = Yes
Office_Key = Yes
Morning_Prayer = Yes
Let’s go!
04:55 +300GMT - Wake Up
Hello everyone!!! Today will be a great day. :)
00:12 +300GMT - A Brand New Day
New life... new beginning. :)
Good day everyone. Time for me to sleep now. Working day tomorrow. Need to wake up early.
Happy Anniversary to Manoy and Ate Amy. What a blessing - a new baby. Continue your great marriage life... I'm modeling you.
18:40 +300GMT
I just woke up from all day long sleeping – see no sunlight. Pretty bad day for me today. All sucks! It’s like everyone’s against me.
Weekend here over; I need to fix all things today, and start a brand new day tomorrow.
First thing first. Think about your priorities in life. Accept that things that are unchangeable; then change the unacceptable… nahh, you better remove yourself to those unacceptable.
Ughhhh… I’m confused.
Self talk… I need to communicate to myself more. Prayer. Prayer. Prayer. I need it to be strong…
10:42 +300GMT
Damn it! I can’t concentrate to my ICND book that I’m reading… Seems all are just waste of time and brain cells. F^(k!
09:38 +300GMT
I'm back... checking now my email. Whoa! Vivian is the one who respond and posted first among my college group No:XQz. Thanks Vivs! I'll email you later to tell what u can do more in our website.
<shout> Happy 39th Wedding Anniversary to my loving parents. Wow! Thirty-nine years and still going stronger... We love u Mama Papa very much.
God Bless our family.
09:11 +300GMT
Just woke up... :) 8 hours of sleep.
<Yawn>... Time to do now my morning 3Ss - Shave, Shower, Shit.
I'll do my breakfast too...
See you later...
23:09 +300GMT
Just arrived from outside. Go to church, bring one friend to a party, then left, and go with another friend... :P
Nitey nite now.
14:21 +300GMT
I'm doing some exercise now, before I'll eat lunch.
Hi Alex Batitay (what a name)!!! Oh yeah, you want long and hard stuff? Suck my dick first or say NO to chain letters.
11:21 +300GMT
Have some flame war in email with one recipient when I “Reply All” in one fuckin chain letter I received today. When will be the time that all netizen will have awareness of bad effect of this pure of nonsense bandwidth-killer chain letter?
Let’s stop this now.
09:22 +300GMT
Just came from car wash. I'm not satisfied... I paid the full service but 'twas not really cleaned.
Time for me to eat breakfast... Then, study time (hopefully).
07:26 +300GMT
Heck! I'm still here in the house browsing the net. Got to go now. Kinda cold outside. Need to wear my sweat shirt.
06:15 +300GMT
Just wake up... I'm going out for car wash. Good day to all.
Weekend here now coming. Great, since I need some time to cope up in my reading backlog. Strictly, I’ll spend my weekend reading books.Nice talking to Nette and Dsy (thanks to valuable advices), my old buddies. Not only Nette is on marriage bandwagon, Ana and Cel too. Goodluck gals. How about us Dsy? Hehehe.
s t a t s :
Hours_Of_Sleep_Last_Night = 6
Late_In_Work_Today = No
Pages_Read_ICND_Book = 19
Percent_Understand = 85
Eat_Lunch = Yes
Unfinished_Work = 0
Max_Driving_Speed = 135kph
Exercise_Today = Not Yet
Whoa! Today was meant to be a worst day for me when my ICND book that I’m studying was left home. Believe me, I really don’t know what to do, since my entire plan for today is only to read that book..I avert myself for a sure wasted day by turning to my notes and doing some self more explanation to what I’d read and noted. That was cool and I guess more effective way of learning.
I learned a lot today without reading that book.
Great day!
s t a t s :
Hours_Of_Sleep_Last_Night = 8
Late_In_Work_Today = No
Pages_Read_ICND_Book = 0.0
Percent_Understand = 100 :)
Eat_Lunch = Yes
Unfinished_Work = 0
Max_Driving_Speed = 150kph
Exercise_Today = Yes
Many people react in my yesterday’s sentiments how busy I am in my work. Almost all said, “Where the heck busy you're talking about? What you did are all lousy, unchallenging stuffs. You’re just making damn excuses. Go and read your book. Blah Blah.”Today is worse than yesterday… shame on me.
s t a t s :
Hours_Of_Sleep_Last_Night = 6
Late_In_Work_Today = No
Pages_Read_ICND_Book = 0.1
Percent_Understand = 100
Eat_Lunch = No
Unfinished_Work = 0
Max_Driving_Speed = 140kph
Real working day today! In the morning our executive secretary’s hard disk crashed. Important and sensitive company data needs to be recovered. Hard disk is formatted in NTFS so its kinda difficult to access it due to the file system security. I found a hard time to hack this: thanks to my previous experienced in this similar case, with the guide of my Linux Guru, I used similar way combining the power of Linux and Norton Ghost. With tons of patience, I successfully recovered and transferred not only the data but also the whole hard disk image to a new hard disk. With little tricks in NT boot system, I’m able to boot again using the new hard disk. I spend about 3 hours to finish this.And then, some minor network problem in one of our building - power in one hub was tripped-down. I need to coordinate to electrical department to switch the breaker, while one stinking employee shriek, “I can’t print to the network printer!” I said, “Sir, are you taking a bath?” hehehe. It just fascinating how some people can take their own bad aroma.
…I decided to treat myself by taking hardly_ever_lunch after the successful recovery of hard disk and network connection is back in that building. I joined fellow Filips and we talked about our new President… ‘twas pretty heavy lunch.
Time for me to read now my book but, hehehe, nothing goes into my head. One paragraph took me almost an hour. It just like my eyes looking the book while my mind is sleeping. I just kill myself by eating too much…
I walked a while; go up and down the floor and then one of our buyers saw me, and complain they cannot generate Purchase Order. I smiled to myself and said, “Hey, today is your payback time to this company. Accept the fact you are destined to really work today.” As half-digesting_and_half-sleeping_human, I spend my whole afternoon figuring out how to solve this problem.
About 30 minutes before office hour ends, I found myself surfing Internet and answering today’s email. I just pissed off majority of email nowadays are in a form of chain letter. To all people sending email to me: No chain letters please!!! It just goes to my trash and if I care to the people who sent me, I’m replying saying how dupe you are believing in that full of non-sense internet_jamming_caused_chain.
Finally, as the office hour end, since I’m still full (heavy lunch), and just perfect time since almost all users went home already, I decided to upgrade our file server and add another 15GB Hard Disk.
Drive home with weary body, dancing and singing with my dance_music while crossing in unhurried 120 kph.
What a working day! My company just get even to me.
s t a t s :
Hours_Of_Sleep_Last_Night = 5
Late_In_Work_Today = Yes
Pages_Read_ICND_Book = 0.5
Percent_Understand = 10
Eat_Lunch = Yes
Unfinished_Work = 0
Posted 20:12:03 +300GMT
As I planned, great day for me today. Funny thing I only read 2 pages after I ate lunch. :)
s t a t s :
Hours_Of_Sleep_Last_Night = 6.5
Late_In_Work_Today = No
Pages_Read_ICND_Book = 29
Percent_Understand = 99
Eat_Lunch = Yes
Unfinished_Work = 0
Posted 19:01:56 +300GMT
We have now new President (Ate Guy)! I’m optimistic that there will be changes for the better in our country.I’m feeling healthy now. Thanks to all people that showed care for me. Sometimes being sick is cool.
Nette, nice to hear you again. Goodluck to your near wedding. Tell me what happened in your fist night, hehehe.
Posted 14:04:29 +300GMT
Spend most of my day inside my room doing two things: reading books and monitoring Philippines’ People Power II. I’m very happy regarding the developments in my country.
Posted 20-Jan-2001
Wake up and feeling better. But after doing all my morning routine, drive to office and face all my work here, I’m feeling sick again.
Posted 11:56:47 +300GMT
Absent in work today. I decided to stay in the house and have some rest. After sleeping in the morning I found myself in front of my computer again in the afternoon.
Posted 18-Jan-2001
I couldn't sleep well last night. I had a very bad cold and running nose and it really disturbed my sleep. Until now, it just gets worst, including headache and teary eyes as I'm trying hard to read books.
Posted 14:04:23 +300GMT
Last day of our CCNA class. It was an enjoyable and really a learning class. My classmates for sure will gonna be big in IT soon. They are all promising and intelligent. Our instructor is simply great. He's a kind of guy that already put lots of information in his head, and can banged to the world and say, "Hey I'm an authority!"For me, lots of steps need to climb to be in that level - I'm referring to my instructor's level.
I'm planning to take the exam next month. I need some time to fully read my 3 books and review all my reading materials. Sadly, it sucks because I can't find myself reading those books.
Posted 16-Jan-2001
Very sad news I heard this morning, Wafa, secretary of our Plant Manager and a mother of two, passed away last Friday. Very hard for me to believe it! Last Thursday, we just had a lively conversation while I'm preparing my tea. She greeted me with smile and saying, "You know, every time I see you wearing jeans, you just remind me that weekend is coming." And then I smile back to her and said, "Wafa, you looks great! You are slimmer and looks lighter. Are you in diet?" She nods, smile cheerfully and replied, "Thank you. Yes, I'm doing some special diet because of my heart disease and I'm doing exercise too." After that she just passed me and went directly to the Plant Manager's office without any sign of fading thing.Many times a day, I'm seeing her, with smiles sometimes laugher and short conversation. We are in the same building, same floor and just 5 rooms away, beside the fact that her room is near the Men's Rest Room and Pantry. She usually offers me some food like her home made cookies and some Arabic sweets.
I have a chance to work with her, one time when we were implementing Oracle ERP. She was one of the key users in "purchasing requisition module". She was very smart and very easy to trained. More than that, she gave us valuable suggestion how the system be more user friendly.
I have a privileged also to met her family one time in Landmark (one of the beautiful mall here in Qatar). I remember, as she was introducing me to her family in Arabic language, the only thing I can understand to what she was saying about me are "young, son, network, computer, administrator, ERP, intelligent, and bachelor". And then her husband shakes my hand and I can feel the sense of respect and proud in his firm hand.
One best thing I can always remember with Wafa is SMILE. She taught me and reminded me to smile always, by showing her as an example.
"We always knew Wafa with a big heart, a big smile and great understanding. She was always ready to help, she never said NO to anybody. We lost a sister, a friend, a sincere colleague, and a dedicated employee." Best remarked with teary eyes by one of my colleague here who worked and knew Wafa more.
Our dear Wafa, we will surely miss you. With our prayers, Allah (God) will forgive you and accept you in Jenneah (Heaven).
Rest in peace Wafa. We love you.
Posted 12:43:59 +300GMT
Unforgettable thing happened to me today. Believe me, you'll not believe what happened. Sounds interesting huh? Then email me, and I’ll tell you what. CLUE: The scene is in the barbershop. Hahaha. Some people knew about this story already, and I know they are laughing out loud already while reading this. Shhhhh….it!My CCNA class discussed about NAT. We configured a PIX firewall too. Long class and we unable to finished the lab.
Posted 14-Jan-2001
A learning day. It opens to many awareness and limitations I have in life today. Sense of direction and knowing my priorities and living with it must be put into action. Nowadays, lots of new things happening in my life; being true to myself and all concerned should be a key here.Good luck to me. I’ll let you know what will gonna happened next.
Posted 14-Jan-2001
Best wishes to my sister-in-law Ate Amy – she’s now 6 weeks pregnant! Nice job Manoy. Hehehe. My prayers with you Ate Amy. Take care.I heard from one of my Linux hacker friend that 2.4 kernel is now released. I’m pretty excited because I’m waiting for this release for some time last year but they just did “pre-release” releases. Now it’s available, I need to plan the upgrades of my major servers.
Hacking time again! Plus I need to finish my CCNA course as soon as possible (my target is before the end of 1st quarter of this year). This means I need to properly manage my time again to achieve all of this.
Back to my basics: First thing first.
Posted 10:53:24 +300GMT
Finally we resume our CCNA class after two weeks of vacation. We discussed and performed labs about HSRP. Great topic, I enjoyed the class.
Posted 11-Jan-2001
Wow! Great day today. We rebounded from yesterday’s unpleasant atmosphere here in the office. We able to finished the given assignment and we’re dancing together now with harmony. Hehehe. No kissing needed.
Posted 12:53:46 +300GMT
Watched “Autumn In New York”. It’s a romantic drama about an aging playboy (Richard Gere) who falls for a sweet, but terminally ill, young woman (Winona Ryder). Famous tagline in this movie: He taught her how to live. She taught him how to love. That’s it! You can’t find nothing and expect nothing more in this movie.The plot of this movie gives a brand new definition to the word predictable. The pace was very slow (yawn), and you exactly know what will be the ending after 10 minutes of watching, and you can foretell the next scene after scene. Will the aging bachelor decide its finally time to end his playboy lifestyle and settle down with the beautiful but ailing young woman? Will they overcome their age difference? (He is late-40's, she is early-20's) Will they reconcile after she catches him in a lie and calls him on it? Is the mysterious woman glimpsed near the beginning of the film a former lover, as Ryder fears; or is it, in fact, Gere's estranged daughter? Will Ryder succumb to her life-threatening disease or will the miracle-worker surgeon save the day? If you are unable to guess the answers to these possible questions in your mind while watching, you are a godsend to the makers of this movie. If you are like me, and had correctly guessed the answers to the questions above and other more, save your money and see other romance movie with a little originality and believability. In my humble opinion, do yourself a favor: avoid this movie.
Oh wait, you can use this one as a sedative to help you sleep.
Posted 09-Jan-2001I’m feeling better now. No! He doesn’t kiss my ass! He kissed my manager’s ass!
Posted 11:24:39 +300GMTNot a good sleep last night. My alarm clock sucks – stop ticking at 12 midnight. Though I’m not late, in fact I’m 10 minutes early in the office. Being early doesn’t help me today to pump me up. I’m feeling adverse with some insignificant thing happening this morning here in the office. One colleague of mine crying like a tot and acting very immature. Boy, I’ll not pacify you, kiss my ass first!
Posted 09:33:08 +300GMT
Great day today. Not only an inner feeling of mine but also many people observed my vitality.Do you know exactly what I’m feeling right now? Like I’m feeling heat all over my body. Everything I’m doing are precise, just nothings go wrong. It’s like I'm in a zone (did you see Michael Jordan making all his shot? That’s zone mean to me). All things are effortless and easy. If I can harness this power always… tell you, I’ll be unlimited.
Posted 08-Jan-2001
Format and install Linux, WinNT and Win2000 (multi-boot) to Agila (my Notebook). I find nothing interesting to do today that’s why I did it.Saw no daylight today. Spend all my day inside my cleaned and ordered room. :)
Nitey-nite now. Time to sleep. Working day tomorrow, need well rest.
Posted 20:37:19 +300GMT
Wake up late. Spend most of the day inside my room. Oh one great thing happened; finally after about 2 months I cleaned my room and rearrange some of my stuff. Rolled and fix my network cables and I have hub now in case I need to connect Agila or other more clients to Apollo (my house server).Go to church at night. The priest was really excellent. No surprise I learned that he has doctorate degree in philosophy.
Posted 06-Jan-2001
I’m beginning now to understand why sometimes something happening without your control. If you can transform it as opportunity it will be your ally. Otherwise it will be your enemy and it will destroy you.Watched two movies today: I watched “What Lies Beneath” and ldquo;There’s Something About Mary”. Harrison Ford is somewhat uncharacteristically bad guy here. But he did a pretty good job portraying his role. The movie kinda unfussy using the old thriller plot and it's been done about 100 times before, but it was just done better. The most notable difference in thismovie was the silence. It just added to the tension in your shoulders and made you slowly edge up on your seat. Michelle Pfeiffer was really good here,imagined how she can act to scared you only using her eyes.
I watched There’s Something About Mary 2nd-X now. Reason: Cameron is soooo lovely, the way she smiles and turn it to giggles. Even though there are some sick-type-of-jokes (the zipper, hair gel and hitch-hiker) – though it was funny. Be warned this is not a film to watch on a full stomach.
Posted 06-Jan-2001
Go around the plant site and greet everyone Happy New Year. No time yesterday to do this. I’m busy with someone worth giving time. ;)My mind sucks. Cannot concentrate to my TODOs today. Damn… I’m missing someone. Yeah, my heart sucks.
Posted14:51:35 +300GMT
First working day of the New Millennium. Woke up early and I’m 30 minutes early in the office, cool. Is this one of my new year’s resolution, not to be late in work? Not really. I don’t want to focus in those small stuffs. Being not late is only one trait of a man I want to be this year and beyond. I’m only after the big pictures, and all small bits will for sure follow.Start of this year is very significant to me, lots of new things happening. And there’s a new sense of love; it’s like a mystery, unthinkable and very ironic. Bottom line here, we're learning to discover and trust ourselves. Hope no pain here.
When I entered our computer room this morning I can’t help myself but smile. Room lights are off, and all I can see are the tiny lights of my reliable servers and other network devices blinking and some endearing sounds coming from it. I immediately run and touch each cold surface of them and whispered happy New Year. Hehehe. Sad to say, I need to turned them off and restart again for them to have a fresh memory buffer. All temporarily save data in their memories from last year will be gone now. They have now a new life– just like me. The only difference is I still have the memories ofthe past and it will be with me forever.
Posted 11:05:26 +300GMT
Happy New Year to all!!! Welcome to the real New Millennium.My Old Page
New life, new dreams, new hope, new goals. God help and guide us all. I want to ask forgiveness to all the people I hurt last year.
Hmmmm, ugh (sigh)... lots.... :(
Posted 31-Dec-2000
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All Rights Reserved.